How to Navigate Medicare

Navigating Medicare

Navigating the ins and outs of insurance to obtain medical products can seem daunting. At HME Medical, we do not want you to feel confused or intimidated by these proceedings. Look over this infographic and let’s get rolling!

Medicare of HME?

When deciding how to procure the medical products you need, you have choices. If you opt for Medicare, you will receive your item (eventually), but service is slow and you must choose from one or two providers. If you purchase directly from HME Medical, you will get your quality products quickly and for a reasonable price without having to deal with the hassle of the medicare system and filing piles of paperwork.

Competitive Bidding

In most areas of the US, Medicare’s Competitive Bidding Program comes into play. This means that Medicare is not guaranteed to pay for products unless they are provided by a specific supplier. If you live in an area affected by Competitive Bidding, and use Medicare, you may purchase through their suppliers. OR you can skip the paperwork and the wait and get your equipment directly from HME Medical Shop.

  • Not yet affected by Competitive Bidding. Receive no advantages from Medicare.  Virtually all parts of the country will be affected by Competitive Bidding by the end of 2016. (In Map)
  • Areas affected by Round 1 (In Map)
  • Areas affected by Round 2 (In Map)

What About Original Medicare?

If you have original Medicare and are not in an area affected by Competitive Bidding, then you pay the supplier 20% of the approved amount if they accept your assignment. (the reimbursement for Part B also applies)

Despite the fact that you can sometimes get your medical products cheaper, this complex process is time consuming. Obtaining your supplies directly from a company like HME will get your products to you faster and with less hassle.